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Parent Handbook

Click here for the Parent Support Booklet

Useful Forms

Medical Form

Parental Consent to Administer Medication Form

Schools Multimedia Consent Form

Absence Request Form

Who To Contact

School Mainline: 023 9247 5480
General Enquiries: [email protected]
ICT Help Desk: [email protected]

Student Absence Due to Illness

In the case of a student who is unable to attend school, parents/carers are expected to inform the school daily as to why their child are absent. To phone in an absence, please dial our main telephone line and press Option 1.

If the school does not receive a call on the morning of absence, the parents/carers will receive a message by our Attendance Officer and informed that their child/children are not in school. The parent/carer can call the school directly to discuss why their child is absent. This allows the school to make contact with the parents/carers at an early stage when their child/children are absent and also helps to alert parents/carers to the fact that their child may have unexpectedly not turned up for school.

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