Parent/Carer Handbook

Parent/Carer Support Booklet

Medical Form

Absence Request Form

Multi-media Consent Form

Parent/Carer Consent to Administer Medication Form

Useful organisations and websites

Safeguarding and Senior Leadership Team

A headshot photo of Jane Fletcher

Mrs J Fletcher

Assistant Headteacher, Lead DSL

Dr F Lansley

Assistant Headteacher, Lead DSL

Mrs E Pratt

Pastoral Manager, DDSL

Mr C Knight

Network Manager, DDSL

Mrs E Burns

Lead of SEN & Alternative Provision, DDSL

Mrs K Slocombe

Head of Paxton, DDSL

Mrs L Marshman

Pastoral Mentor, DDSL

Mr M Hartnell

Headteacher, DSL

Mrs R Griffin

Leader of PE, DDSL

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