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Year 9 Parents Evening – Wednesday 25th April 2018 4:00pm-7:00pm

Year 9 Consultation Evening Online Appointment Booking

Wednesday 25th April 2018 – 16.00-19.00

I would like to invite you to attend our Year 9 Consultation Evening on Wednesday 25th April 2018.  This is an important evening and provides you with an opportunity to consult with your child’s subject teachers.

The school has an online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.

Please visit to book your appointments. Please click here for a short guide on how to book appointments.

Login with the following information:

Student’s First Name
Student’s Surname
Student’s D.O.B

If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school reception who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.

Yours sincerely

Miss C Blundell
Head of Year 9